The BlackBox by Erica Kruger:

'Republic' addresses issues of perspective and reality. I feel this directly links to our clients and in particular the issues I want to address which were highlighted through my electro-liquid aggregation. Both Darwin and Hawkins are striving to find answers to some of the greatest mystery’s of our would. Both are searching for answers about the past, how the world began and evolved as well as questioning the future- where will we lead, what advances will we make. Darwin’s focus is on the biological and Hawkins’ is on the conceptual, yet both are constrained by the practical and reality. Plato draws the analogy that our reality is our cave- and the way we perceive things is really just like shadows on the wall, without knowing the whole picture. However, like the sun for the prisoners in the cave, we have knowledge. Hawkins and Darwin are respected individuals because of their mission to use this knowledge to break free from the ‘cave’ and expand our understanding.
In my design I would like to convey this sense of going beyond the average man.
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